Protect your eBay store while you are away!

When you get bored of entertaining your customers online but then you have no choice other than running your eBay store. In that case, what should be your idea?

Let’s discuss the different scenarios where you can keep your customers engaged and meanwhile you can also enjoy your vacations:

  • Sole Vendor

Suppose you are the proprietor of an eBay Store. It is very necessary for you to maintain your online business perfectly because it took a lot of effort to make the set up. Also you need to enjoy during the vacation. Below steps can make your business go smooth even if you are on vacation.

  1. Turn on your store vacation settings.
  2. Leave a message that will inform buyers about your non – availability and return date. Your message would reflect above your listings and on your Store home page.
  3. Then Select “Hide and block purchases from my fixed price listings”.
  4. End your sale style postings before you leave or after you return. Otherwise, open offers will remain even when using your Store vacation settings.
  • Combined Selling business

In this case, you have the entire team to look after your business even if you are physically not present at office. If you have already trained them on handling the things on your behalf, that is an added advantage but if you have not done so, you can train them before leaving for vacation.

  1. Handling the inventory.
  2. Packaging methods and logistics.
  3. Product delivery duration.

To ensure that your business runs fine during your absence, you might think to conduct a test-run for certain days so that your business is up and running any day.

  • Not a very Popular Seller

When you are not among the top rated seller at eBay, or you do not have an eBay store subscription. Nothing to worry. You just need follow these steps:

  1. You can use the “bulk edit feature” to adjust product delivery duration for all of your fixed price listings.
  2. This method ensures that you meet Buyers expectations based on how soon their items could be delivered.
  3. Also, end your sale style postings before you leave or after you return. Otherwise, open offers will remain even when using your Store vacation settings.

We understand that there are many things to be kept in mind with regards to keeping your clients satisfied and securing your business when you are away, yet these are the most widely recognized situations. The principle point is, when purchasers have a decent ordeal on eBay, they return.
