How to enable cookies for any browser

Google chrome (kindly follow the step as given below)

  • Launch Google chrome: Click on the Chrome ‘menu’ icon,
  • Click the ‘settings’ option
  • Click the ‘show advanced setting’
  • Select ‘content setting’ option.
  • Enable the cookies: check the icon, ‘allow local data’.
  • Select any the three option according to your need, this will help you to specify the cookie functionalities.
  • Click the ‘manage exceptions’ to add individual host names.
  • Now, all the cookies and site data options will display a list of stored cookies.
  • Finally, click the done option to finish it.

Mozilla (kindly follow the step as given below)

  • Click on the ‘Firefox’
  • Select ‘option’
  • Click on ‘privacy’
  • Select the ‘custom’ settings
  • Select ‘history’ in the drop-down menu
  • Enable the cookies: check the box which is left of the ‘accept cookies’
  • Click ‘accept third party cookies’ is set ‘always’.
  • Select ‘keep until’ to state the period of storing the cookies.
  • Click ‘show cookies’ and ‘exception’, add the individual host name.
  • Finally, click ‘ok’ to finish.

Internet explorer

  • Launch Internet explorer
  • Click ‘tool’
  • Select ‘internet options’
  • Click ‘privacy tab’
  • Move the ‘slider’
  • Click ‘advanced’
  • Check the box ‘override automatic cookie handling’
  • Adjust the slider up ‘accept all cookies’
  • Click ‘ok’


  • Navigate the ‘setting panel’
  • Launch ‘Safari’
  • Click on ‘Safari’
  • Select ‘preference’
  • Click ‘silhouetted privacy’
  • Check the box beside ‘always’
  • Select either of the two, to adjust the cookie functionality
  • Click ‘details’ to view the cookie list
  • Click ‘closed’ to finish


  • Launch ‘Opera’ and click
  • Select ‘setting’
  • Click ‘privacy & security’
  • Check ‘allow local data’
  • Enable the browser cookies
  • Select either of the two options, to specify the functions
  • Click ‘manage exception’
  • Add individual host name
  • Click all cookie and site data option
  • Click ‘close’
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