What are the pros and cons of using either SAP C4C or Salesforce CRM?

The pros and cons of using either SAP C4C or Salesforce CRM are mentioned  below:




Offers Strategic advisory service


Offers industry-specific capabilities for 15 industries

Has an upper hand in terms of cloud integration, app customization and third-party extensibility Available globally both on-premises and in the cloud, which is a big advantage for companies worried about latency.
Provides an easier user interface and more engaging social selling capabilities Performs seamlessly within an SAP ecosystem

Creating an industry-specific version of the product is costly and time-consuming


Provides less Customer support and problem resolution assistance

Available just in the cloud Its UI is not intuitive as Salesforce
Provides weaker integration with on-premise applications and services May not be lucrative for Small and Medium Business Customers

From the above analysis, both CRM systems can address a wide range of business requirements including small and complex. CRM system should be chosen based on the business requirement and which can handle your future enhancements in the business. You should also consider the current system you are using and its compatibility with the new CRM. If you are using SAP ERP Applications, SAP CRM can seamlessly integrate with it. Considering a cloud-based ecosystem, Salesforce performs better with respect to cloud integration, software customization, and third-party extensibility.

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