Top 5 eCommerce books you should read

The actual scenario for reading this blog for you is encompassed with very simple logic integrated with it – ‘YOU JUST WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ECOMMERCE’. More interesting fact is that your education and quest for it never stops, either you’re an entrepreneur or a veteran of the industry. Every time you came to know any new blog, podcast or tutorial published; you are sure to learn new things and gather new ideas which you can then implement to grow your eCommerce business faster.

In this blog, we are simply going to share 5 important ‘must-read’ books every eCommerce entrepreneur should read:

  1. One-click by Richard Brandt

  2. One-Click, a revolutionary book on Amazon – that actually describes how Amazon evolved since it’s early days with insightful paths it gone through for it’s business model to be one among the market leader. This book is also focused on Amazon’s business model and how conveniently your online shop is accessible to that process. Also this book highlights the managerial skills, notion and attitude of Jeff Bezos – an enigmatic character in the world of e-Commerce and how it influenced the success-path of the company.

    One-click by Richard Brandt

    Interestingly, some readers exposed the main dip of this book – like it hides many valuable events, as some say while the shared story is quite admiring, yet the whole things are not covered.

    About Richard Brandt – The author is a freelance journalist with more than 20 years of experience in insightful writing in Business, Science and Technology.

  3. #AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness by Gary Vaynerchuk

  4. #AskGaryVee – the top eCommerce book in the trending category, gives the insights of the very potential and curious Q&A sessions that Vaynerchuk has showcased on his popular show. He actually gives stress and importance of marketing, social media, entrepreneurship, and seemingly everything else in most charismatic fashion and in his own way of sharing thoughts which actually drove huge number of readers, visiorts to that book to make it vehemently popular among eCommerce enthusiasts.

    #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk

    His book actually covers visions and features / information you actually need to run a successful eCommerce business – starting from effective and strategic use of twitter to run online business successfully (organically and through Advertisement), to hiring super-talented professional to promote your brand persona, to finally the process of launching new products to stay ahead out of your sheer competitors.

    Kindle $16.99; Hardcover $20.67.

  5. Made In America by Sam Walton

  6. Who, staying in this retail industry, don’t know this versatile guy Mr. Sam Walton – the founder of the largest retailer in the world – Wal-Mart? His book ‘Made In America’, is a truly inspiring story about entrepreneurship, tough story you need to go through for getting huge success in this industry, and how you need to take calculated risk to measure the hit of the industry trends. If you really go through this book, you will not only be able to learn huge tips for eCommerce success, you will also be inspired truly to jump with the notion of becoming a true entrepreneur.

    Made In America by Sam Walton

    Jack Welch said, “Sam Walton understood people the way Thomas Edison understood innovation and Henry Ford, production. He brought out the very best in his employees, gave his very best to his customers, and taught something of value to everyone he touched.”

    If you want to be successful in online business, you must go through this book – to get true inspiration from it to take measured risk to establish your presence in the industry. Read this book only you have the guts to do something with your web-business, not merely to open a webstore and earn your revenue.

  7. Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams


    Written By: Jeff Walker                                         Narrated By: Patrick Lawlor

    Publisher: Brilliance Audio                                   Date: April 2016

    Duration: 7 hours 13 minutes

    Are you thinking right now to start your eCommerce business with buzz? Then this book really suits your ideology. Read it thoroughly and learn the strategies, brave steps you must take on to become a one-stop successful businessman in the web industry – be the leader, not the ladder. This book reflects the ideas to start you business with bang that your customers are really put their heart in their mouth and counts the day when your new business is launched or once you are the footprint in the market, your customers are really waiting eagerly to wait for the product you are going to launch.

    Launch An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online by Jeff Walker

    This book is a recipe for getting more grip for you – weather you are going to start a new business or counting the days before you open a new one. Think always big like you are going to launch a business like ‘Apple’, or your potential prospects / customers are itching their hands to purchase your product from your web-store, similar scenario like that. You just imagine, how great you feel once it happens in the reality. This book will only inspire you if you have that kind of business-mind.

  9. Marketplace 3.0: Rewriting the Rules of Borderless Business by Hiroshi Mikitani

Once you are thinking about reading reputed eCommerce books, you will get a stack of it written by writers from the western part of the world. But, this book has made difference with it’s writer from the eastern part of Asia and one of the most selling book to be considered. This person transformed his company from Japan-only to a global business.

Marketplace 3.0 by Hiroshi Mikitani

Hiroshi Mikitani, the founder of e-commerce giant Rakuten, has a wide vision to see the next big leap for the future of the Internet. Rejecting the zero-sum model practiced by some global retailers, who view the Internet purely as an architect of speed-earning process, Mikitani just successfully debated for an alternate model which has multiple benefits for it’s customers, vendors, communities who like every step in the business flow. He foresees retail ‘ecosystems’ where brick-and-mortar businesses around the world create partnership with online retailers to make best use of their customer bases and service competences, and he shows why accentuating association over competition, customization over top-down control, and long-term growth over short-term revenue is ideally the best use of the Internet’s power.

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