In modern day world, data and insights are the key players of any business growth. API led application development and SOA have been preferred solutions over time. However, only a few people know how to use this API-led connectivity to boost their business process. To educate people and share knowledge about the most widely used way of data connectivity, APPSeCONNECT recently organized a webinar titled “How API Lifecycle Management can help to accelerate growth.”

The webinar talked about some of the best practices of Web API development and introduced how API as a strategy can help to deliver growth to a business organization. The speaker also introduced APPSeCONNECT in order to develop and deliver APIs.

The webinar was held on 30th January 2019 and the key takeaways from the webinar were:-

1. What is an API and why it is used?
2. Benefits of public Web APIs and Service Oriented Architecture
3. Leveraging API as a Product
4. Introduction to APPSeCONNECT API platform.
5. Creating a REST API for your SQL database
6. Securing your Data for API.

The webinar was presented by Mr. Abhishek Sur, VP Product at InSync Tech-Fin Solutions. He is also a Microsoft MVP and an Intel Innovator. In addition to that, he is also a proactive blogger, speaker and writer as well. The webinar was co-presented by Mr. Koushik Dey, Senior Technical Consultant at InSync Tech-Fin Solutions Ltd. Integrate-Business-Apps-through-APPSeCONNECT

We would like to thank all the attendees who joined this amazing webinar. We hope it was useful. In case you have missed the webinar, you can check this Webinar Recap which we have recorded:

Webinar: How API Lifecycle Management can Accelerate Growth

API led application development and SOA have been preferred solutions over time. Here is the Webinar Recap on API Lifecycle Management to accelerate growth!

Here are some of the questions asked during the webinar:

1. How do you know if there is a change in API?

ANS – This is a common problem faced by many developers; if anyone is using any standard platform, they provide an option to create a revision of an API and create a special header. So, any application having any update shall be responsible to show that there is a change in the API. In case of an Integration Platform like APPSeCONNECT, the developers have already created a header to display that there is a change in the API (whenever it happens).

2. What will happen if my API is broken?

ANS – If you have an API and it is broken, then you shall get an error message saying that the API is not working. It can be either error 403 or error 404.

3. Is it possible to email the developer?

ANS – Yes, of course. If you have a touch with the developer, you can definitely go ahead and call the developer. Also, if you are working with public APIs (like GitHub), you can post in your queries and there shall be lot of discussions regarding it.

Here is the Webinar SlideShare for you:

APPSeCONNECT is a smart and robust business application integration platform that seamlessly connects all your business applications with each other to streamline operations and facilitate the free-flow of data across the platforms. With moving in the region of iPaaS, APPSeCONNECT proves to be a best-in-the-class platform that easily connects systems and automates the business process.

Now, you can easily connect your ERP, CRM, Ecommerce store, Marketplace, Shipping, Accounting and POS Systems under one single platform!Integrate-Business-Apps-through-APPSeCONNECT